When Walls Tumble - Maria Dyck

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Got Me Some New Eyes

  I went to the optometrist 18 months ago with a concern that my eyes were getting worse.  I've been near-sighted all my life, but I had recently noticed that reading was becoming a problem.  The doctor dismissed my concern, "Ah, you're young; you'll be fine."  As the exam went on, he became quiet.  After it was done, he looked at me and said, "Well, we have a problem."  

     Yeah, I thought so.  

     I was issued a new prescription; one that called for progressives lenses.   I was so depressed.  Grey hair in my twenties and progressives at 40....life is NOT fair!   I carried the prescription in my pocket for 6 months, refusing to get new glasses.  I just did NOT want to deal with this new reality. 

     Finally, my husband had enough with my headaches and complaining and insisted that I get the new glasses.  I really didn't like them; they made me woozy and threw off my perception.  My dad tried to encouraged me, "You have to wear them all the time. And don't take them off like your mother does, because you won't adapt as quickly."   Advice from a senior citizen is usually a good deal, so I kept trying.  

     After a year, I can say that I don't notice at all that I have 'special' lenses; I just appreciate that I can SEE!

     I thought of this a few weeks ago when I came across the opportunity to purchase a Mennonite-style homemade rug.  I had seen them many times in my life and didn't like them.  I made certain there never was one in my home.   Until that day, when my aunt asked me, "Would you like to purchase one?"  It was on the tip of my tongue to say 'No, thank you', when I realized suddenly that I DID want one!   I purchased it and brought it home, strangely proud of it.  I couldn't wait to show my daughter this piece of art; a symbol of her Mennonite heritage. 

    I realize that this change could be happening because I'm old
and wise (Option 1),            or

      because as I've grown in my relationship with God.
He keeps renewing my mind, my heart, and maybe even my eyes. 
(Option 2....preferred option).  

      I see things in a different light.  I value what I use to throw away. 
I appreciate what I once thought was  worthless.
I cherish the mundane and ordinary.

      This isn't age related; I could refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life and end up a cranky, old woman.  That is a choice I am allowed to make.  

     But this is TIME related.   Every time, I surrender my will to God.  Every time I capture a critical and negative thought and replace it with the truth.  Every time, I forgive.  Every time, I give thanks.  Every time, I choose to love and serve.  God uses those times to mold me and shape me into His image.  Oh, it's a long process....half the time, I feel like I'm getting nowhere....but then something happens and you realize you have changed.  Grown.  Matured.

   To God be the glory for every good, though sometimes, imperfect step of growth!

                                     "I pray that the eyes of your heart may enlightened, so that you will know what is the
                        hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."  Ephesians 1:18